The Day Before School Starts - 2020 - 2021 COVID School Year
I dropped off of blogging the last couple of days of pre-planning as it was getting pretty hectic pulling all last minute things together and making sure my "teaching area" in my room was ready as well as my online teaching platform.
I was almost there at the end of Friday, but I did not quite finish. We had a drive through welcome activity for our freshman students outside our school. We made posters, and distributed (with gloves on) school supplies and important information. We did this for 1.5 hours outside in the Georgia August heat, but it was a lot of fun. The kids seemed to love it, and MOST of them were in masks even in the car! It was nice to see our parents being so responsible by teaching them to be. This diligence may get us back to school this fall sometime - we will see.
Now - that 1.5 hours standing in the heat along with 2 weeks of pre-planning stress, wondering, worrying, working, attending meetings, etc. finally culminated for me, and at 4:30pm I hit my wall - I was done; time to go home, and so I did.
I went home, visited with my husband for awhile, piddled around on my ipad, and then went to watch Netflix at 7pm. I was asleep and slept for 12 hours. It was much needed sleep, and I had planned to go nowhere over the weekend anyway, so I am glad I indulged.
Saturday I met with a few of my new freshman students between 1 and 2pm on MS Teams. The consensus is they have been pretty bored this summer and cannot wait to start some form of school. They even started on their "About Me" assignment that is not due until Tuesday - even when I told them not to start it until Monday! Yes - they must be ready.
Today I spent a few hours in my office doing more prep work for the week and getting MS Teams and OneNote updated for the students the first week. Finishing touches were put on activities for tomorrow, and I am so excited to see my students!
I also did my meal prep for the week. I have a fridge in my room now, so that will be easier to manage this year.
So I am about to put my computer up for the day. Though I am looking forward to tomorrow, I also do so with trepidation. How will it go? Will the internet last in the district or crash when we all get on? Will students be able to log on? I have told all students I have met with to rest and relax about this as we are not starting content until this coming Wednesday. Now I have to follow my own advice!!!
Whatever happens we will deal with. This is like a new first year for teachers, and it definitely is a start to a school year they do not know either.
Three positive things:
1. I worked out 3 times this week on my Peloton bike. I had hoped for 4, but it is better than none the previous 2 weeks.
2. New kitty is fully adjusted to our house, and we love every minute with her! Her brothers and sister are getting used to the idea as well.
3. I met with many students through MS Teams Thursday, Friday, and yesterday. That gave me so much energy towards approaching this strange year.
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